A Pathfinder Society Quest designed for 1st- through 4th-level characters, playable in 2-3 hours.
Some disgruntled citizens in Kintargo, who preferred things under Chelaxian rule, have stolen into some very sensitive information concerning the Pathfinder Society’s trade dealings and routes. In the hands of enemies, this could put many agents at risk. Cheliax barely tolerates the Society on a good day, and if these thieves-who-would-be-spies can get the encrypted information into the hands of real Chelaxian intelligence operatives, Cheliax would likely relish its ability to do incalcuable harm. It’s up to the PCs to infiltrate the theives’ base of operations and steal the info back before these rabble rousers can send it off. Keeping things quiet will be key, though, as the heads of Supplies and Procurement definitely don’t want to tip them off to what they really have.
Written by Shan Wolf
Scenario tags: Repeatable
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